3 Keys to Success

When you are struggling with your feelings and life in general, there are three things that you can do to break free. You will learn these in this blog.

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Hello and welcome to my first Vlog. The Lord often changes things around a bit and this is what He has done with me. Normally I write all my ministry stuff, but now He said I need to do stuff in video, so let’s see what happens here.

A Bad Time

Some time ago I had a terrible time spiritually. Everything just went bad.

It was the most awful time of my life for a while. I was depressed, I was sensitive, I messed everything up and I couldn’t sleep. But those are just some of the things that took place. My emotions were also completely out of kilter.

This thing went on for weeks and I didn’t know what was going on. I tried everything that I normally did to try and get the victory. But eventually I thought,

“I have to go to the Lord and find out what’s happening.”

So I ran to my prayer room and asked Him to give me an idea of what was going on.

What Had Happened

First I want to share the experience that I went through and what the Lord said in order to help me to break free of this thing.

What I had experienced was I suddenly realized I was thinking of people from my past. I didn’t do this consciously. It’s like I just suddenly found myself thinking of these people. And with those people came negative experiences, as I’m sure you’ve had with a lot of people in your life.

So I began to think of a person, I thought of a negative experience, I thought of something else that was negative, and it went on and on. My mind began to flitter like a butterfly, and I thought of more and more things. And of course, because they were negative, everything began to go downhill.

It went like a downhill spiral. My emotions went completely out of control, as I said. And I just couldn’t focus on anything. I also got introspective. I looked inside of myself and all the woes that I was going through. And I never really looked to the Lord to help me to solve this problem until I went to Him.

So, as soon as I went to Him and asked Him what the problem was, He said one little sentence that just made everything make sense. He said to me,

“You are living in the past.”

When He said that, I thought, “That is bad news.”

This is because I know in my past, things were terrible. I was a mess and a failure, and everything that I was experiencing at that time related back to that era that I was thinking of and that I was living in.

Three Steps to Victory

It was good that the Lord told me what the problem was, but now I needed to find out what the solution was. But the Lord is wonderful. He always tells you what to do in order to get the victory. So He gave me a three step plan that I would like to share with you now. It really helped me once I got to doing the things that He told me to do.

Step Number 1: Leave the Past Behind

Step number one was this. He said, “Leave the past behind.”

If you think about it, the past is the past. You can’t bring it back and you can’t relive the things there. You need to let them go, because if you don’t let them go, they begin to weigh you down. So He said to me that I needed to submit and resist.

I submitted myself to the Lord, I resisted Satan as according to James 4:7. I told him to get out of my life, and I shut that door to all the negatives that had come and that I’d been thinking of after I began to think of those people.

You need to just shut that door completely and walk away. It’s like when you leave your house, you shut the door, you lock it and you walk away

So just let everything go. If you are still bitter or stressed or anything like that with the people, forgive them once again. Ask the Lord to take those things away from you, put them in His hands, let them go and move on. It’s time for you to walk in victory and let those things go completely.

Step Number 2: Live in the Present

Step number two is you need to live in the present. Your mind needs to focus on something. Before then I was focusing on everything inside and all the hurtful feelings. But now I changed that perspective and I began to focus on Him. I changed my view and saw the Lord there with me.

This is very important if you can do it. It helps you to develop a wonderful relationship with Him and to keep that beautiful relationship with Him all the time. And when you do that, your emotions begin to settle down. You can see Him, and you can ask Him for wisdom with whatever you need to do.

Perhaps you have a very stressful day ahead. You are feeling overwhelmed even at the start of the day before you do a thing. Well, see the Lord there with you. And ask Him to help you with whatever it is that you have to do. He can do that. He can give you the wisdom to know little ideas of what to do and how to do it that will speed your progress up and make things work. And you will move from failure to success.

You can praise Him and pray in tongues. As you do that and keep your eyes focused on Him, you’ll begin to see things changing and your emotions will begin to change.

So, if Satan tempts you to put your eyes back on the past, just make a choice and move them from the past to the present and see the Lord again. Then you’ll begin to see things changing a little bit.

It may take a bit of time. When I tried to do this after the Lord had told me what to do, for quite a while Satan continued to try and make me think of the negatives. But every time he did that, I focused on the Lord once again. I began to get the victory more and more easily, and I began to do what I needed to do with more ease.

Step Number 3: Look to the Future

Then step number three is this. He said look to the future. Your future is bright with the Lord Jesus. You can get excited about it. And it’s a good idea to daydream and think of pictures and things that you want.

What do you want in your life? What do you want to achieve and what do you want to accomplish? You need to get excited about those things. You need to speak them out and see them in your mind. See yourself doing them with the Lord’s help and accomplishing them. It makes it very exciting. It gives you a hope for the future.

Perhaps right now you look at something and you think it’s completely difficult. I mean it’s an impossible situation and you might think,

“What I desire, I can’t see it happening.”

But you know, with the Lord it can happen, and you need to get excited about the things that you desire. Because when you do that, you get an excitement for life. Your joy begins to come instead of negative emotions, and things begin to work out in your life more than they ever have before.

It’s a good idea to do this at night when you go to bed. Let your cares go. Maybe you’ve had a difficult day. Give those cares to the Lord so that you don’t take them with you into the next day. Just give them to the Lord, then look at those things that you desire and begin to get excited about them once again.

Wrapping it Up

So look at your life right now. Are you having the same kind of problem that I did? Satan may use another tactic, not what he did with me, but he might use something else to get your emotions negative.

That’s really all he wants to do. He wants to take your eyes off the Lord Jesus and put them onto yourself and onto your problems. He wants to cause your emotions to get negative and to go downhill from there.

When you see it happening in your life, try and nip it in the bud immediately. If you can do that, then Satan will not get the better of you, and things will not get worse and worse. You’ll be able to keep up your relationship with the Lord and the good things that He has for you.

So, there you have those three steps that the Lord gave me. Let the past go, live in the present, and look to the future. I hope that this has inspired you and encouraged you and I will see you next time.

5 comments on “3 Keys to Success”

  1. Tsebo says:

    Thanks for the insight.This article is quite helpful to me and I also hope it will help my daughter who has just completed her grade 11,now thinking so much what she wants to do in the future, starting now.This thought seems to bring worry to her.

  2. Morake Ricks Mooketsi says:

    Thanks a lot Apostle Daphne for sharing your bad experiences of the past. I can identify very well. This mrssa6 is relevant and timely. The Lord Has used your ministry to minister to many.
    You also ministered to me in a special way. I will use the principles you shared here to deal with the attacks of the enemy.

    I know that sometimes the attacks become so intense. I can become very sensitive, emotional and getting irritated by little things.

    It normally happens when I thought of a situation that made me to look like I acted foolishly to a situation at hand. I started recalling my past mistakes that relates to the present situation.For example : maybe I am given a platform to share something, then I messed up and say things I shouldn’t have said. It makes feel like avoiding everyone around, run and hide somewhere.

    It’s very tricky, the enemy would preach and tell me that iam unworthy, good for nothing, and would not go anywhere in my life and ministry.

    Thanks for your the solution you shared in form of three steps. Now
    I know that I should not be living in the past.

    I should rather focus on my future.
    The message is relevant, loud and clear.

    The enemy can use the voice of our emotions to put us down.

    We must be arlet so that we don’t fall into his evil trap.

    One most important thing that stood out for me is when you mentioned that you ran to the Lord for solution and answers.

    This is the most important part of this message.

  3. Mark Satlnaker says:

    This was so helpful. I had been falling into this trap. The past, but for different reasons. Your VLOG unveiled this.
    Thank You,

  4. Nakia says:

    Mom Daphne, I also have to fight sitting and thinking of things in the past. I can see something on tv, hear a song, eat a food, or visit a place and memories come up.

    Even if I start with good memories it seems by the time I get to the end of those thoughts it has changed and it all goes downhill. And I can feel my emotions change. I can feel that hit in my stomach and then my day is not the same.

    Thank you for these steps on how to move forward and be successful. I first need to remember to go to God and Spend time with him before I get so low. But I also need to remember that He can to speak to me and guide me. It shouldn’t be a one sided conversation. He is there to help me and give me revelation That can make things successful for me.

    Thanks for this teaching. I will use these steps.

  5. Nicholas says:

    This is a great message. I find myself mostly in this kind of situation where I’m thinking of the past indeed, it weighs me down. I have also noticed this with my spouse when she gets in the past. Everything changes, and we have hit arguments. So this is a very important three-step to success. Thanks once again for this great message.

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