About Me

Hello, my name is Daphne Crause and I want to welcome you to my personal ministry page. I have been a Christian for many years now. In fact I became a believer in my early teens, so I have had a long walk with the Lord since then.
Since being married to my husband Apostle Les D. Crause, the Lord has used him to raise me up to a much higher level than I had before. Since that time I have been placed in both Prophetic and Apostolic Offices. The thing that I love more than anything however, is motivating and encouraging people.
Ever since I can remember I have been pastoral in nature and have wanted to lift up and encourage people in their spiritual walk. This webpage therefore is designed to encourage you, motivate you and lift you up, so that you can be the best that the Lord has for you.
I love teaching and sharing things in a simple, practical way. This is based on my experience, where I read many books or heard many teachings that were mostly theory and were very impractical. Perhaps you have experienced the same sort of thing. I always hated that, and since then I have always wanted to share allegories or illustrations that make what I am sharing simple and real.
What You Will Find on This Site
There are a few things that I will be doing on this website. I will firstly be sharing short general articles to encourage and motivate you to keep going when you need a lift.
I will be sharing articles on marriage and family. These are tips and tricks that the Lord has shown me through experience since I have been married to Les.
I will also share articles on revelations from the Scriptures that have stood out to me.
What You Can Do
Feel free to browse the site and read articles of interest. I will try and put new material up at least weekly.