Always Something Better
Have you noticed that people seldom seem to be positive and uplifting? Most of the time it is easier to say something negative than something positive.
I have noticed this on many posts on Facebook. Sometimes I will see a really feel good story about something amazing that has happened to someone. I will get excited and rejoice with them.
But then I go and skim through some of the comments. And it always amazes me how so many people can find something negative to say about it. Can they not just be happy for the people and rejoice with them?
Clearly in the world this is not possible because Satan wants to tear people down all the time and he is the master of negativity. But as a believer things can be different. Romans 12:15 says,
[Continually] rejoice with those that rejoice, and weep with those that weep. [GBMV]
Whatever a person is going through, we can empathise with them or rejoice with them.
More With the Lord
With the Lord, however, there is no negativity at all because it is not in His nature to be like that. You can always expect something good and positive from Him. Even if you are going through something really difficult that you cannot see a sign of getting out of, He will always lift you up and encourage you.
I recently came across this beautiful Scripture from Ephesians 3:20.
Now to him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, [GBMV]
To me this is one of the best verses that perfectly sums up the Lord’s nature. Whatever you can ask the Lord or think about, He can do so much more.
I have found this to be very true when it comes to prophetic words, or the Lord speaking directly to you through journaling. My husband often gives a prophetic word to people that he ministers to, and I have never heard the Lord say something different.
People may have gone through a hard time and Satan may have tried to steal what the Lord has given them. But in every word, the Lord says He will restore what they lost and give them more than that.
So what are you struggling with in your ministry or what you do for the Lord? Know that He doesn’t want you to just be mediocre or stay at the same level for years and years. He has more for you. He wants you to rise up in His power and accomplish so much more than what you think you are capable of.
Know that the Lord will never force anything on you. If you are happy to stay where you are, that is your choice. But He has more for you, and if you desire it you simply need to look to the Lord and ask Him to lead you.
Do not try to work things out in your mind or do it on your own. Look to Him and see the amazing things He will do in your life and ministry.
In His love,
Daphne Crause
Apostle and Servant of Jesus
Global Business Ministries International