Daily Devotion For March 9

The Chase

It was a beautiful sunny day and our family decided to get a bit of exercise in the fresh morning air. We had been trying to get a little fitter so we decided to go for a long walk around the complex where we lived.

We have a big German shepherd dog that has the most amazing energy. He loved to go for walks with us, so we thought we would take him along to get him exercised too.

We stepped out and walked for quite a while down a hill and then towards a deep valley. Teddy our dog was running around everywhere. He was sniffing everything, and his wagging tail showed that he was enjoying himself tremendously.

Another German shepherd from over the road came on the walk with us as well, so the two of them were running around together.

Suddenly through the corner of my eye I spotted a squirrel running quickly across the road and down into the valley. Obviously Teddy and the other dog did too, because in a flash they were gone, running furiously after that squirrel. They did not like it one bit and wanted to get rid of it.

I thought this was a great picture of the Lord and the way He helps us to fight against the enemy. Here is one of my favorite Scriptures from Leviticus 26:7 and 8.

You will chase your enemies, and they shall fall by the sword before you.
Five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight.

There are times when the enemy will try and come against you. But with the Lord's help you can put those enemies to flight. What is even better about this picture though, is the fact that when two or more of you stand in agreement, you can have a hundred times more power against him.

Perhaps you are in this situation right now and you are feeling overwhelmed. I understand how you can feel because we have been there many times.

But there is hope for you. Are you married, or do you have someone that you can ask to stand in agreement with you to put the enemy to flight? If you don't have someone, the Lord is still able to help you to stand against him. I can also stand with you now.


I stand in agreement with you now that the enemy would loose his hold of you. I stand against you Satan in the name of Jesus, and I command you to take your hands off and be removed.

I thank you Lord that you have given us the victory. And as the two of us agree together against the enemy, he will indeed be put to flight.


I pray that today would be a day of victory for you, and defeat in the enemy's camp.