Keep on Ministering

Have you ever read the book of Ecclesiastes? For the most part, it is rather negative, and Solomon seems to indicate that all the hard work you have to do is useless and a waste of time. 

He does, however, say something interesting in Chapter 11:6.

In the morning sow your seed, and in the evening do not take a break: for you do not know what will succeed, or which of the two will be good. [GBMV]

What is Solomon saying here? To me he is saying, “Don’t stop ministering whenever you get the opportunity.” Be ready to pour out in love and be a blessing, no matter what time of day it is. 

I have come to realize that ministry can be quite a gamble. What do I mean by that? Well, you may give your all out in ministry. You may work hard to help someone in need or to help them when they need encouragement. 

Sometimes the rewards will be there and people will show appreciation for what you have done. Other times they won’t even say a word and will move on, even if you have touched their lives. 

How do you handle something like this, when someone doesn’t accept your ministry? I sometimes think you need to be like the early disciples when they were sent out by Jesus two by two. He said in Luke 9:5 

And whoever will not receive you, when you go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them. [GBMV]

We have had so many rejections and disappointments from when we have ministered to people and they haven’t accepted it. Perhaps you have experienced the same thing and now you want to just let the whole ministry thing go. 

But don’t get discouraged and keep on giving out. There are many times when you will not know the blessing that you have been to someone. They may not say anything, but some time later they will suddenly come back to you and tell you how much you have blessed them. 

So keep on giving out and know that whatever you do, the Lord smiles on you and appreciates everything. He sees your heart of love and will cause much blessing to come your way. 

In His love, 

Daphne Crause
Apostle and Servant of Jesus

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