No Contaminations

Our family had been out to town and we had come back home again. As we were pulling into the driveway, I noticed that there was some mail sticking out of our mailbox. I tried to get it out from the outside but it wouldn’t budge, so I had to try from the other side. I opened the little door of the mailbox, put my hand in and retrieved the letters.

As I was walking into the house, I suddenly realized that there had been a lot of unseen cobwebs in the mailbox. They were attached to the mail and now they were all over me. 

What a horrible feeling that was! I couldn’t see them that easily. But I could feel them all over me, and it took me quite a while to finally get rid of those pesky cobwebs. They just didn’t want to let go.

Identifying a Problem

Sometimes you can pick up spiritual cobwebs in your day-to-day walk. You may not realize where they are coming from or when they began to appear. But suddenly you will start to feel like something isn’t quite right. You might feel contaminated, or you may feel like your spiritual life is not flowing smoothly. 

These spiritual cobwebs are clearly not from the Lord, but rather from Satan. They don’t harm you, but they simply make it difficult for you to walk in freedom with the Lord. They are like little irritations that you have to deal with before you can restore your walk in victory. 

Where do these contaminations come from? There can be many possible areas. But most of them come from simply picking up negative things in the world around you. 

This can happen from you reading a book, listening to something or watching a video. Some of these things may clearly not be edifying or able to lift you up and you can see it right away. Other things, however, may seem innocent enough, but they may contain a negative spiritual contamination that you are not aware of. 

You can also get those things from your associations. Sometimes people have a greater effect on you because you interact with them and pick up from their spirits. And since words contain power from your spirit, either from the Lord or from the enemy, if you accept those words you could find yourself experiencing something negative in your spiritual life.

Changing Any Problems

Perhaps you suddenly realize that something is wrong. You might feel contaminated or your spirit feels dead and you can’t get moving again. 

What do you do now? You simply need to do a bit of a purge. Submit yourself to the Lord first. Next, look at what you have been reading, listening to or watching, and especially who you have been interacting with. Then you can pray something like this out loud.

“Satan, I shut every open door and take back any ground that I may have given to you. I cast off every contamination and everything I may have picked up in the last while. I remove every negative thing that you have tried to bring against me, Satan, and command it to go. 

I also break spiritual links with (name the person or people), and have nothing to do with the negative things in their spirit. Thank you Lord for helping me to break free now.”

Don’t let Satan try and sneak his contaminations into your life. If you notice anything, take these simple steps to restore your spiritual life to full power and authority once again. 

Many blessings to you. 

1 comment on “No Contaminations”

  1. Morake Ricks Mooketsi says:

    Thank you so much for sharing on this subject; spiritual Contaminations. I a m always blessed by the way you share your articles.
    Iam always looking forward to hear what the Lord Has for me through your ministry.
    Thank you for the prayer and message you delivered here.
    Iam blessed every time I read your article s

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