Wait for God’s Green Light

Galatians 4:4 says,

But when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth his Son, made from a woman, made under the law

Do you know that God has a perfect timing for everything that He does in your life? Those burning desires for ministry that He has put in your heart, or the answers to your prayers that you are waiting on Him for – everything will come at the perfect time. 

Right now you may have kept your faith in the field, but in spite of that it seems to be taking forever to come. You might feel like you are at a traffic light that seems to be sitting on red all the time. It never seems to want to turn green and you feel like you are stuck there forever.

Why do you have to wait? Because other cars need to cross your path first. If you ignore the wait and try to take things into your own hands, you will end up with a mess and will have to start all over again. 

God Uses Circumstances

As I read that Scripture of when Jesus was born, and as I looked at the way some answers have manifested in our lives, I realized that you sometimes have to wait for other circumstances to take place that will bring about your own answers.

When you look at Mary giving birth to Jesus, she had to travel all the way to Bethlehem, because Caesar Augustus decided it was time to tax the world. The prophets had already declared that He would be born in Bethlehem, and that circumstance brought about the time for Him to be born.

In our own lives, the Lord used something different to bring my husband and I together. He never used to buy a newspaper, but the big San Francisco earthquake had just occurred in 1989 and he wanted to see what had happened. 

Once he had the newspaper, his three daughters asked him to look in the ads for a cat, because there were apparently some mice in the house. That then immediately led to him seeing an ad for a Christian Singles Club. I had already joined the Club and was waiting there, but if he had not seen that advert he would never have thought about it.  

So be open to how the Lord leads you. He may put a desire in your heart to go to a place you don’t normally go to, or do something you don’t normally do. But who knows if it will lead to the answer you have been looking for. 

So are you still waiting at that traffic light to turn green? I know how frustrating it can be. But hang in there child of God; your perfect time is coming. You will see things falling into place quickly, the answer will manifest and your joy will be full.