You Can Be Stable and Settled

When I was a kid, our family often took trips up to the neighboring country of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). This was because we had some relatives who lived there. I always enjoyed those holidays and had a great time playing with my cousins.
Later on, we didn’t go so often as a family because my folks got divorced. However, I still had contact with many of my cousins and used to often fly up there on my own.
One time when I shared that I wanted to come up, my uncle and aunt just so happened to be going for a boating trip to Kariba Dam. My uncle was extremely wealthy, and together with a business partner, they owned a small island on Kariba, a propeller plane, and a fairly big boat. They then invited me to join them on their holiday.
After arriving at the main airport in Harare, I stayed overnight with them. Then the next day we flew in their plane to the island.
The day after arriving we went out on their gorgeous boat. We traveled for quite a while, then stopped to have a picnic lunch that they had packed. It was a beautiful day and we just floated on the calm water for a while. I loved it and felt so peaceful.
We went out the next day and I expected it to be the same as the previous day. However, this day the wind began to pick up while we were still quite a long way away from the island.
When we stopped, the water became choppy. The boat began to sway left and right and it was quite scary. The thing that I noticed was when I tried to take a short walk into the cabin, I had to hold on to whatever I could to make sure I didn’t fall. I felt so unstable and uneasy on my feet.
I did not like that experience and prayed that it would get back to the way it was the first time we went out on the water. Well, I got my desire and it was peaceful and calm the following day. Now I could walk all over the boat without the fear of my footing being unstable. I could enjoy the beautiful scenery and I felt close to the Lord.
You might be wondering why I am sharing my holiday experiences with you. But the Lord reminded me of this picture when I was speaking to someone about the Word and how important it is to keep in it. I said to this person,
“I don’t know why, but it seems that every time I read the Word I feel stable and secure, even if I can’t understand much at all of what the passage is talking about. It feeds me and I feel like I can carry on with the Lord.”
There are times when I don’t read even one chapter of the Word because I am rushing around and doing so many other things. The rushing and the busyness can sometimes continue for a few days. And I have noticed that after a while I begin to feel like everything is coming against me. I feel frustrated and have no stability in my spiritual or emotional life.
What is the solution? It is to get back to making time to read the Word, even for a few minutes. I am sure you can make time to sit for 5 or 10 minutes and read one chapter. That is all it takes to go from being unstable and like that boat in the wind, to being stable and calm. It also gives you the confidence to know that the Lord is in control and is taking care of everything.
What About You?
So let me ask, what is happening in your life right now? Do you feel stable, confident, and sure that the Lord is in control, no matter what seems to be taking place in your life?
Perhaps you feel like you are being knocked around and cannot find any peace. Maybe you feel like you are on that unstable boat and the winds are howling around you.
Of course, Satan is the one to bring the winds and the storms and to make you feel unsettled. But if you are feeling like this, I want to urge you to stop and focus your attention on the Lord Jesus.
Welcome Him, then pick up the Word and read just one chapter if that is all you have time for. It doesn’t matter whether you can understand it or not. Just read it, and know that there is power in those words.
As you do this, you will feed your spirit and soul with good things. Then, like Jesus when He Himself was on a boat in stormy weather, He will say to you,
“Peace be still! Calm down.”
My Prayer
“Thank You Lord for your peace. Thank You for the assurance that comes from You when we focus on You and spend time in Your Word.
I speak to any heavy winds and storms in your life right now and command them to die down. Whatever Satan is trying to do to unsettle you and make you fall, I command him to be silent and to be removed.
Thank you Lord for taking this person by the hand now and setting their feet on a solid rock. Praise you for doing this, Lord.”
May the Lord fill you with peace today, and may the storms in your life calm down and be removed.
Many blessings to you.
Daphne Crause
Apostle and Servant of Jesus
3 comments on “You Can Be Stable and Settled”
Daphne thank you for sharing this. It’s a perfect example of never losing sight of our Savior. I have also listened to 2 of your videos on YouTube today. They were exactly what I needed to hear. My spirit felt calmer and I enjoyed your wisdom. I am Mark Stalnaker’s sister.
Thank you Mom Daphne for this word, there is so much truth in this, with me when I dont read the word i get so much anxiety, my life on normal days is so much stressful however the word has that ability to anchor me and show me whats important and where my focus should be, without it i become a mess
Mom Daphne! Thank you for this message. I am feeling restless now and have tried to worship, and get in The Lord’s presence this morning but it was surely hard. I have not read the word in a few days so this is a great reminder. I will go and do that now. I’m trusting that I will be able to rest in his presence thereafter. Thank you!