Hit Back With Music
My husband is one of those amazing, talented people who can do almost anything. The one thing he is a master of is writing songs that touch your heart. The words are always powerful, and I think most people can identify with what he brings across in those songs.
Here are the words and the chorus at the start of a song called Hello World. The verse goes like this.
So you woke up this morning and you felt so bad
That you wanted to go back to bed
Your feelings were so low; your body moved so slow
You felt weak and light in the head
Hello world, I can’t face you today
Hello world, please go away
Let me sleep and escape all my woes.
All is not lost, however. There is a solution (verse 2 of the song). And if you are interested, you can listen to the full version of this song here.
Can you identify with the words of this song? I would be surprised if you can’t, because I think everyone has woken up and felt that way at one time or another.
Well, this happened to me not too long ago. I felt exactly how this song described. What a horrible feeling it was! What made this worse, was the fact that the Lord had given us some wonderful promises and we were feeling excited and ready to go. But now that excitement had got snuffed out overnight.
I did the usual things that I do at the start of the day – submitted myself to the Lord, resisted Satan, etc. Somehow, however, Satan was a bit deaf that day and he didn’t seem to want to go.
I pushed through with what I needed to do, but it was an effort. It’s like I had a ball and chain around my ankle that made me slow down. It continued like that the whole day, and eventually towards the evening I got mad at Satan!
I had what felt like a bottomless pit of things to do around the house. And of course, I didn’t feel like doing them. But then the Lord gave me an idea. He reminded me of the power of music to send Satan running. So I put in my AirPods, loaded some of our GBM music albums, and began to listen as I worked.
I was amazed at how fast my feelings began to change. I also felt my energy increasing as I sang, worshipped and washed dishes in time to the music.
Why is this so powerful against the enemy? Isaiah 30:32 says this.
Every stroke the LORD lays on them with his punishing rod will be to the music of tambourines and harps, as he fights them in battle with the blows of his arm.
What a beautiful picture of the power of music to defeat the enemy. When you are under attack and begin to sing and praise the Lord, it is as though He begins to rise up. He begins to punish the enemy and scatter him with music.
By the end of my marathon clean-up job, Satan had got moving and left me alone. I zoomed through everything as though I was in turbo charge, and I no longer felt weary and depressed. The music had done it for me!
How Is It For You?
What is happening in your life right now? Are you feeling weighed down with care, tired and maybe somewhat depressed? Is the enemy trying to snuff your enthusiasm and your life out right now?
Don’t let him do it. There is an easy way to get victory over him. Hit him back with the power of music.
If you can play an instrument yourself, that is very powerful. Otherwise put on some anointed music like I did and watch everything evaporate like the mist in the sunshine. You will soon be flying high and rejoicing in your newfound victory.
Have a wonderful day of blessing.
In His love,
Daphne Crause
Apostle and Servant of Jesus
Global Business Ministries International