Take Jesus With You
Colossians 3:1 and 2 says this.
If you then were raised up with Christ, continually desire what is above, where Christ sits at the right hand of God.
Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.
I read this Scripture recently and it kind of stood out to me. Have you ever had that happening to you? Often you just read and nothing really stands out to you. But then you hit a verse, and it is as though the Lord highlights it and gets your attention.
Well that is what happened here. Something struck me when I read it, and I realised that as a believer I need to fix my eyes more on spiritual things than on what is going on around me.
You cannot be a recluse and just ignore what is going on in your neighbourhood or your country. What you can do, however, is look to the Lord for more of His power and anointing to operate in your life.
When you do this, you can go out and be a shining light in this world. And the Lord can use you continually as His instrument of blessing.
Two Realms in Life
Did you know that you can live in two realms at the same time? You can live in this world or earthly realm, as well as the spiritual realm. How can you do this as a believer? John 1:18 says,
No man has fully understood or seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained and revealed Him.
When the Lord Jesus walked the earth, He was in the same position that we are in right now. He was living physically on the earth, but spiritually He was fellowshipping with the Father all the time.
You may think this is difficult to do, but it is in fact easy. When you get up in the morning and go about your everyday life in the world, simply first look to the Lord. Commit your day to Him and ask Him to take control. Then try to become more aware of Him being there with you.
If you can do that, then whatever situation you are in, you can already be primed and ready to be a blessing. Perhaps you are driving along and you see an accident scene. You may not be able to pull off the road and help them. But as you look to the Lord, He may tell you to speak healing on an injured person.
Perhaps you see a homeless person or someone who is in need. If you are aware of the Lord, He could tell you to go and help that person by getting them some food or giving them something.
So why not try to live in both realms as you go about your day to day life. Know that even if you forget about the Lord and get busy doing other things, He will never forget about you. But if you can flow with the Lord and let Him use you to be a blessing to others, you will have a continual feast of good things in your life.
Have a wonderful day. Many blessings,
Daphne Crause
Apostle and Servant of Jesus